Guest Blog: Fundraising for Trinity Centre / Blog Gwadd: Codi Arian i Canolfan y Drindod

May 14, 2024

Every Autumn, thousands of runners descend on Cardiff for the annual Half Marathon. Many run to fund raise for their favourite charity, and this year we're lucky enough to be Thomas Oborski's favourite!

For this Guest Blog, we chat to Thomas about how his training is going and how he came to choose Trinity Centre...

Bob Hydref, mae miloedd o redwyr yn dod i Gaerdydd ar gyfer yr Hanner Marathon blynyddol. Mae llawer yn rhedeg i godi arian ar gyfer eu hoff elusen, ac eleni rydym yn ddigon ffodus i fod yn ffefryn i Thomas Oborski!

Ar gyfer y Blog Gwadd hwn, rydym yn sgwrsio â Thomas am sut mae ei hyfforddiant yn mynd a sut y daeth i ddewis Canolfan y Drindod...

1. What's your name and where are you based? Hi, everyone, my name is Thomas Oborski I am now living in Fleet in Hampshire.

2. What's your connection to Trinity? As I say I am now, Living in Fleet. But for Five years I lived in Cardiff where I was a member of the Cardiff Methodist circuit meetings. At these meetings I learnt more about the amazing work of the Trinity Centre and the groups. In response to all I heard in October 2019 I did my first sponsored half marathon for Trinity.

3. Tell us about the Half Marathon - So, on October 6th, 2024, I will be doing my third sponsored “Cardiff Half Marathon” for the Trinity Centre

4. Why did you decide to raise money for Trinity Centre? The reason I have chosen the Trinity Centre is after learning about the work they do with refugees and asylum seekers I needed to do something to help. Over the years it is a charity that has become close to my heart and one, even though I now live away from Cardiff I still want to support.

5. How is training for the half marathon going? My training is going well so far, and I am hoping to beat my time for the previous two Cardiff half marathons have run in. I have previously run in fancy dress when I was offered a substantial sum of money to do so. I am now working for Aldi and would have run as Kevin the carrot for the right sponsorship sum but sadly my region do not have an outfit. So, this year I will run as myself and hope for sponsorship from anyone who wants to support the Trinity Centre.

6. Anything else you want to share? If you want to keep updated about the work of the Trinity Centre, follow them on social media. If you would like to sponsor me here is my fundraising link Cardiff Half Marathon | Localgiving

Thanks Thomas for choosing us - we're so lucky to have supporters like you. Every penny helps us to continue in our important work in welcoming Sanctuary Seekers and Refugees to Cardiff.

If you'd like to fund raise for us - get in touch! We'd love to hear from you and support you to support us!

Diolch Thomas am ein dewis ni - rydym mor lwcus i gael cefnogwr fel ti. Mae pob ceiniog yn ein helpu i barhau yn ein gwaith pwysig yn croesawu Ceiswyr Noddfa a Ffoaduriaid i Gaerdydd.

Os hoffech godi arian i ni - cysylltwch! Byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych a'ch cefnogi i'n cefnogi!